Book a custom consultation

Consultations policy

At TVK, consultations are performed to make sure the design team has all the information it needs from the customer and to assist the client in selecting a design and color scheme that are appropriate for them. The consultation aids the design in correctly comprehending the client's demands and wishes when a new design is to be made for the client. This will make it easier for the designer to incorporate the client's demands and needs into unique designs and outfits.

Typically, consultations take place between the design team and the client. 

Clients shouldn't bring more than one person to a consultation as company.

Consultation categories

Consultations at TVK are grouped into 3 types;

  1. Basic Services (Regular timeframe): The client is ordering custom outfits with a minimal timeframe of 10working days and above
  2. Express Orders: The client is ordering custom outfits with an express timeframe of 1-10 working days
  3. Mass production Services: This service is for clients that wish to make use of TVK to mass produce apparel/products either short or long term run

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